About Me
It is by grace you have been saved, through faith---and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—and not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Eph 2:8-10
Monday, October 24, 2011
Why is it so hard for so many to commit?
It seems like this subject is really hitting my generation hard. I really do wonder why, I have many thoughts, but I really think it comes down to being spoiled. We are the first generation of children (generally speaking) to have more than enough things. We had many things handed to us as children, so we expect it even as adults. We commit to something, but as soon as it is not pleasing to us, or it requires too much work, we give ourselves the "OK" to un-commit. I saw it happening to me a while back, but thankfully, God let me see myself through his eyes. Why do so many see it ok to not stand by their commitment? I would love some feedback.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
time management......what is that?
ok. i am sure that we all need some help with this issue of time management. lately, it has been a priority prayer of mine because i am considering going back to work. as i was reading, "the rest of God" this morning there it was in black and white.....the true definition of time management. i dont understand why, but all too often i let myself forget that every possible question in life has already been answered for me in the Bible. so, lets get a fresh look at time management from God's perspective. we go to Psalms. "teach us to number our days aright", Moses asked God, "that we may gain a heart of wisdom" Ps. 90:12 This is God's time management technique. There is a right and wrong way to tally up our days and spend our time aright according to God. And if we can figure this part out, we will gain wisdom. In other words, wisdom comes from numbering our days right. In the book, the author compares life to a classroom, but not your average classroom. God is the teacher and its cirriculum is not fixed. its cirriculum is life itself, interrupted, demanding, unpredictable at times, and so on and so on. And unlike a classroom teacher, God is present at all times, day or night. He is in every moment, as we rush and ramble to get things done. it is my observation that, today, moms especially, can get time-obsessed......me included. sometimes when i am demanding orders to get dressed, eat breakfast, wash hands, and with that faster, hurry, right now attitude, i get lost! i get time-obsessed instead of God-obsessed. it is always after the storm of rushing that i realize that this is not what God created me to be. we must ask God to teach us this technique of time management. to notice Him in all those rushing moments, to pray when we start to have the right-now attitude, to see eternity as our ultimate goal, and not getting to school by the tardy bell. So, my prayer is to slow down, pray more, and to prepare better so that we make it to school on time with the right attitude that glorifies God!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Spring Break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, spring break is almost over! it has flown by, but i must say it has been the best spring break of my life. why? b/c we stayed at home all week. me and the kids. Mike was off 2 days. we tried and tried to plan a trip to branson, but at the last minute we just could not pull the money together, and now i know why. God used this time to put back into perspective how important real, quality family time is. in fact, i really will miss my kids next week. we connected all over again and i watched them grow. i love knowing everything my kid ate in the day, and i love not hurrying them out the door. i love cooking for them, and i love building monster trucks out of cardboard boxes. i love playing shool in pajamas, and i love hearing them work out their own problems. thank you God for the gift of children. and thank you God for opening my eyes to see them as a gift!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
new coupon site for locals!!
i just discovered that a new coupon printing site for craighead electric coop memebers. this is in addition to their Co-op Connections Card (if you dont know about that, just leave a comment and i will fill you in!). go to http://www.craigheadelectic.coop/, click on co-op connections card logo, then retail search, then coupons (in green) on the left side, and there you go! lots of coupons to print!!!
Monday, March 14, 2011
"Grace, Grace, God's Grace....."
don't you love it when the Holy Spirit is obviously convicting you of something. this song has been in my mind for a week now and i can't stop singing it! God has been teaching me grace. sometimes i get carried away with the truth of things and forget god's perfect grace, and that He wants us to exhibit that same perfect grace! Not that truth is on the sideline, but truth and grace must be balanced to walk in the footsteps of Jesus. when we have too much truth we become judgemental, too much grace and we become silent.
today i bought 6 right guard deodorants, 3 bottles of purex laundry detergent, 4 bars of dial soap, 4 bamboo cooking utensils for 1.72! is was so fun! they were out of the razor that i went for but still got some good deals!
Friday, March 4, 2011
no joke i scored some free jeans at target. target's website has awesome coupons. i suggest when you see them print them immediately because they go fast! so i printed 2 of the $5.00 off any women's jean coupon. then i went to target and they had jeans on clearance!!! $4.98. target does not give overage, but FREE! i got 2 pair and they are pretty cute....
Monday, February 21, 2011
ahum, is there anybody out there?
So, I haven't been shopping the deals lately because it has been survival of the fittest around our house...all extra time has been spent resting. But we are back to normal, almost. Tomorrow, i will go to walmart with a stack of about 30 coupons, and then to target with a stack of about 25 coupons. i am excited for some deals!! My goal this week is to organize coupons for the church binders so that this coupon thing can get up and running!!!
Friday, February 18, 2011
wow wee, it's been awhile!
Where have i been? i honestly cant say for sure....but it has been a whirlwind, that is for sure! i like blogging so i dont know why it is so hard for me to do it. i guess at the end of the day when i have a minute to myself, i just want to curl up in a ball and lay in a dark hole, not type and pull thoughts from my brain. but i plan to fight thru that deep seeded urge to recluse and do this!
i will start back with my grocery line up next week. the kids and i have had the flu so i have not gotten a paper in 2 1/2 weeks!! i am getting low on coupons, but thankfully i have been printing lots so make up for the lack of sunday coupons.
i am excited to attempt this again!
i will start back with my grocery line up next week. the kids and i have had the flu so i have not gotten a paper in 2 1/2 weeks!! i am getting low on coupons, but thankfully i have been printing lots so make up for the lack of sunday coupons.
i am excited to attempt this again!
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